

Vattenfall Europe Mining AG trusts PC-Soft


In November 2012, Vattenfall Europe Mining AG commissioned PC-Soft GmbH with the modernisation of the extensive production data network Citrix environment in the Lusatian lignite mining area. The implementation of the multi-million euro contract begins in December 2012 and will be completed by March 2014.

The production data network has proven successful as a multi-site platform for the software support of specific mining applications since 2005 and has contributed to the improvement of business processes. Despite growing demands on the performance and availability of the production data network, Vattenfall does not wish to increase operational costs and announced further Europe-wide technical, organisational and operational development.

PC-Soft, itself a software company, prevailed against renowned competitors with its expert Business Unit Systems Integration team. The proposal includes equipping the various production locations with scalable 'building blocks' consisting of blade servers, high-performance storage systems and network infrastructures, as well as the extensive use of virtualisation technologies and modern system management tools.

Ulrich Lieske, Authorised Officer and Head of Business Unit System Integration, regards PC-Soft's extensive experience in the field of enterprise customers and their knowledge of how software architecture functions as essential for the assignment. He says: "We believe that we, in collaboration with our system suppliers Fujitsu, Citrix, Cisco and RES Software, are in the position to make this project a success. Our goal and daily motivation is to combine innovative technologies with knowledge regarding requirements and processes in production areas for our customers."

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