

Discover the future of the railway industry!

ZEDAS at the InnoTrans 2024

24-27 September 2024 in Berlin - CityCube | Hall B | Stand 110

Visit us at InnoTrans 2024, the leading international trade fair for transport technology in Berlin. ZEDAS is your reliable partner for innovative software solutions in asset and logistics management and will be presenting the latest developments and technologies that are revolutionising rail and freight transport.

Experience how our powerful software solutions for asset management and logistics optimise operations and increase efficiency. Our experts will be on hand to present you with customised solutions for your specific challenges.

You will find us as an exhibitor at the joint stand of the Berlin-Brandenburg capital region - CityCube | Hall B | Stand 110


Make an appointment at InnoTrans 2024

Software demo on site &
personal consultation


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Industry-specific system

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Always up to date

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Ready to use

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Modular and scalable

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Needs-orientated and intuitive


Optimised asset management for your infrastructure

Ensure a safe and fully functional railway infrastructure with a limited maintenance budget. Our zedas®asset Infra software helps you to maximise the availability of your equipment, optimise maintenance processes and increase efficiency.

Always keep an eye on the condition of your railway systems

With zedas®asset Infra, you can comprehensively manage current and historical measurement data and visualise the track network graphically. This allows you to reliably assess when which maintenance measures are necessary, avoid breakdowns and reduce maintenance costs through targeted and efficient planning.

Make informed decisions and simplify coordination

Our software helps you to break down data silos and standardise data. Make well-founded decisions and simplify the coordination of measures and manpower. zedas®asset Infra also supports you in legally compliant documentation and providing evidence to supervisory authorities.

Erhöhte Verfügbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit der linearen Infrastruktur

Maximising system availability

Reduce downtimes through precise planning and monitoring of repairs

Reduzierung der Instandhaltungskosten der linearen Infrastruktur

Optimise maintenance processes

Improve efficiency and accuracy

Vorausschauende Personal- und Instandhaltungsplanung

Well-founded decision-making

Standardised data sources for clear analyses and strategies

Kennzahlen für fundierte Management-Entscheidungen (Investplanung)

Legally compliant

Fulfil all requirements of the supervisory authorities reliably


Experience the benefits of zedas®asset Infra and optimise your maintenance cycles for a reliable and safe railway infrastructure.



Modern apps integrate all employees and external service teams

Digital maintenance documentation on the track or in the railway workshop


In the workshop

The digital assistant for the workshop enables paperless processing of repair and maintenance orders via tablet. Ready for immediate use, zedas®asset Touch enables simple fault recording, processing and order feedback.

Intuitive operation, assistance-based workflows and automatic stock updating make the digital workshop assistant the ideal choice for forward-looking and efficient maintenance.

Choose zedas®asset Touch - mobile working, end-to-end digital and audit-proof according to BOStrab and ECM.

More information about zedas®asset Touch


On the road

The app enables the direct recording, processing and documentation of defects on railway infrastructure objects on site. Structured defect recording using a defect catalogue, standardised workflows and geographical assignment ensure transparent and audit-proof documentation.

Optimise your maintenance - zedas®asset Smart makes fast and error-free processes possible! With checklists and maintenance instructions in the app, processing orders is almost child's play. zedas®asset Smart is the indispensable mobile interface to your employees, ensuring transparent and efficient maintenance.

More information about zedas®asset Smart



Keep your freight transport moving with zedas®cargo

Guarantee the quality of transport operations and ensure end-to-end transparency throughout the entire transport chain. Our software offers you the solutions you need.

Your challenges - Our solutions

  • Real-time data for decision-making: Our software provides real-time data on the resource situation, optimally supports your employees and ensures transparency along the entire transport chain.
  • Intelligent personnel planning: Innovative algorithms ensure that only qualified and available employees are scheduled for tours.
  • Digitalisation of processes: From the digital recording of wagon lists to the real-time recording of services - our software minimises the need for manual data entry and improves communication with stakeholders.
Reduzierung der Instandhaltungskosten der linearen Infrastruktur

Compliance with legal requirements

Our software supports you in complying with all legal regulations and creating statistics and KPIs.

Vorausschauende Personal- und Instandhaltungsplanung

Avoidance of train cancellations

Respond flexibly to employee cancellations and ensure that your freight transport continues to run without interruptions

Kennzahlen für fundierte Management-Entscheidungen (Investplanung)

Improving working conditions

Effective tools for your employees contribute to a better working atmosphere and higher employee satisfaction


Experience the advantages of zedas®cargo Long Haul and achieve maximum transparency and efficiency in rail freight transport.



The ZEDAS product suite: Unique synergies in the railway industry

Lean processes thanks to the combination of zedas®asset and zedas®cargo


ZEDAS bietet die führende Produktsuite für die nahtlose Verbindung von Logistikmanagement von Schienengüterverkehren (zedas®cargo) mit dem Flotten- und Instandhaltungsmanagement (zedas®asset). Der automatisierte Informationsfluss verringert den Abstimmungsbedarf zwischen den Bereichen maßgeblich.

Im Betriebsprozess gewonnene Daten zu den einzelnen Schienenfahrzeugen stehen der Instandhaltungsplanung zur Verfügung. Die Zustands- und Belastungsdaten sowie erfasste Schäden und Störungsmeldungen ermöglichen eine verlässliche, belastungsabhängige Wartungsplanung. Auf der umfassenden Datenbasis erstellt zedas®asset Zustandsprognosen der Fahrzeuge, die wiederum Grundlage für fundierte Investitionsentscheidungen sind.

Das Tagesgeschäft des Bahnbetriebs profitiert von der erhöhten Verfügbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit der Fahrzeuge. Die Bahnproduktion greift jederzeit auf aktuelle Informationen zur Außer- / Wiederinbetriebnahme von Fahrzeugen und zu Restlaufwerten für Fristen zurück. Transportaufgaben lassen sich deutlich effizienter planen. Der operative Betrieb wird seltener durch Wartezeiten oder technisch bedingte Störungen behindert.


Produktübersicht zedas - Software für Bahnlogistik, Rangieren und Asset Management


Meet us at the InnoTrans 2024

Thomas Landskron

Head of Sales

Chris Richter

Chris Richter

Senior Sales Manager

Gritt Hannusch

Gritt Hannusch

Head of Consulting

Ulrike Gollasch

Ulrike Gollasch

Head of Marketing

Christoph Baum

Christoph Baum

Head of Research & Development

Christian Krauss

Christian Krauss

Sales Manager

3 strong reasons to visit us at the trade fair

Haken Software demo on site
Get a quick and non-binding overview of the functions of zedas®asset and zedas®cargo.

Innovative technologies
Find out more about our latest software developments that digitalise and automate your operational processes.


Personalised advice
What are the benefits of the software? Which modules are of interest to you? Which functions can your company benefit from in the future?

Make an appointment at InnoTrans 2024

Software demo on site &
personal consultation

You can find us here

Geländeplan InnoTrans 2024